Thursday, November 19, 2009

"lol" should be redefined as "Lack of laughter."

It's original definition was "Laughing out loud" (also written occasionally as "Lots of Laughs"), used as a brief acronym to denote great amusement in chat conversations.

Now, it is overused to the point where nobody laughs out loud when they say it.
The list of its meanings includes, but is not limited to:
1) "I have nothing worthwhile to contribute to this conversation."
2) "I'm too lazy to read what you just wrote so I'm typing something useless in hopes that you'll think I'm still paying attention."
3) "Your statement lacks even the vaguest trace of humor but I'll pretend I'm amused."
4) "This is a pointless acronym I'm sticking in my sentence just because it's become so engraved into my mind that when chatting, I MUST use the meaningless sentence-filler 'lol.'"

That's all from urban dictionary, clearly someone else is having similar feelings about the term 'lol' to me. I think that it is overused andit is becoming meaningless. It's also very bland really, laugh out loud is such an obvious statement. I vote it gets changed to 'APOL' which will stand for A Paroxysm Of Laughter. It's a bit more intelligent and will hopefully lead to people properly communicating their emotions through a variety of examples of the English language. It's going to be a transitional thing looking forward to a time of better vocabulary. The spirit of the English language came to me in a dream, it wants me to avenge its death. Onwards I go!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Television has raised writing to a new low.

Sometimes TV is awesome. I saw two ads in consecutive order, first a government ad proclaiming the dangers of gambling, then a bet 24/7 ad. If I gamble enough I could win a car, but then my friends are going to hate me because I'm not going to do anything with them anymore.

Also, I really quite want to see the new Coen Brothers movie. Based loosely on the book of Job from the Bible it combines Coen brother awesomeness and the Bible, albeit just as a Jewish thing, but it's good enough to make me think it'll be a good movie. I love a good picture show.

Also also, KFC ads are still terrible.

Finally, Mikey and I are learning 'The Distance'. We're heaps good musicians. Or might be sometime in the future...

I said that was finally so off I go.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

A man without a mustache is like a cup of tea without sugar

It's currently Movember, the time when men promote men's health by being real men. This is really the main reason I've started posting stuff here again after months of silence, I wanted to talk about why I'm not going for the conventional thing in regard to movember. I figured since I grow facial hair all the time it would be kind of pointless to grow a moustache for movember, so instead I decided to start styling my hair in a slight mohawk, but I haven't been bothered raising money for charity, probably wouldn't count anyway, so I'm giving up on it.

On an unrelated note, whoever designed the lock for DVD cases: You will rue the day you ever worked with plastics!

My Spectacular Vernacular: Rapacious, Voracious & Avaricious

Rapacious, Voracious & Avaricious: they all mean greedy, and they greedily have multiple awesome words meaning the same thing... I don’t think any more needs to be said about them.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The strangely strange stranger on Omegle

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: 1 naturo bar counts as 1 portion of your recommended daily 5 portions of fruit and veg
Stranger: hi
Stranger: yeah?
You: i just read that
Stranger: i get my fruits and veg otherwise
Stranger: bar
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i dont need some crazy
You: it seems odd to me
Stranger: naturo?
Stranger: dangerously close to naruto
You: that's why i bought it
Stranger: hahaha.
Stranger: it's proably just like
Stranger: a bar
Stranger: made of rubber
Stranger: and vitamins
Stranger: i dunno.
Stranger: what does it consist of
You: i just ate it
Stranger: verdict?
You: it does taste like rubber
Stranger: mmmmmmm
You: i'm throwing the rest out
Stranger: good idea
Stranger: i don't trust any food these days
Stranger: everythings poisoned or preserved or...
Stranger: just
Stranger: fucked.
You: yeah
Stranger: better than food elsewhere though i shouldnt be complaining, but still, shit gives you cancer.
You: I'm going to have to become an oxygenarian
You: actually...
Stranger: whats that?
You: I hear oxygen causes ageing
You: can't do that
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: i heard that too.
You: oxygenarian is like vegetarian, but no vegetables...
Stranger: oxygen isn't like
Stranger: great for you
Stranger: it what makes your body slowly deteriorate
Stranger: but its also what keeps you alive so it's like
Stranger: two edged i guess
Stranger: ohhh i see
You: hmm
Stranger: having an oxygen bar would be good times, but i wouldnt do it
You: gotta way up ageing against not living
Stranger: unless i needed it
Stranger: gotta find a way to live forever
Stranger: i'd live forever if i knew how to
You: weigh, obviously there
Stranger: despite all the shit and boredom i'd go through
Stranger: i'd be willing to endure it all.
You: i don't think I wanna live past 70 or 80
You: somewhere round there
Stranger: if i didn't age
Stranger: and at age 100 i looked and felt like, 20
Stranger: i'd be fine
You: true
Stranger: and just didn't age
Stranger: but then that would get like
Stranger: fishy
Stranger: and you'd be very lonely
Stranger: when people are like "why don't you age lol?"
You: I might make about 200 in that case
You: then get sick of it
Stranger: you'd learn so much shit
Stranger: yeah. i'd probably get bored or addicted to some kinda drug or something
You: probably OD eventually
You: might be for the best...
You: i've never experienced death or over dosing, so I'm not sure
Stranger: even if it was possible to live forever... you wouldnt want everyone living forever anyways. it would just destroy your resources. just maybe like. incredibly smart people
Stranger: meh, it's not really the experience of it
Stranger: it's the result of it
You: true enough
You: Would culling the stupid mean that the IQ would permanantly rise?
Stranger: i guess so.
You: I think in a social evolution way, but not a biological one
Stranger: just because theyre smart though doesnt necessarily make them logical
Stranger: they might be like mad scientist types though
Stranger: i dunno
Stranger: why would we need to biologically evolve anymore when we already have everything made for the way we are?
You: well, if you were choosing who to keep would you keep those with logic, or book smarts?
Stranger: except pinky toes are slowly getting less and less prominent
You: I guess and really?
You: I hadn't noticed
Stranger: and yeah, social evolution is all thats left pretty much.
Stranger: i dunno, you need a combo of both
Stranger: to feed off eachother
You: I guess so
Stranger: and yeah well, that's what i hear anyways. about the toes
Stranger: cause we drive everywhere and have shoes and idk
Stranger: dont really need em
Stranger: for walking nowadays
Stranger: and i swear fingernails are getting smaller but maybe thats just me
You: hmm
You: I think I'd try to get a percentage of logical thinkers and a percentage of informationally rich people
You: like 20% book smarts and 80% logical thinkers
You: the ones with the facts would then teach the logical ones, who would then process that information to create a better world or something
You: or make more nasal sprays for better erections
Stranger: ahahah.
Stranger: better erections = better world
You: one and the same
Stranger: but yeah, i think you're right
You: time to take over the world then
Stranger: logical thinkers could do something crazy though and like power monger
You: hmm
Stranger: because they hate the world because they know too much
You: I need to keep the physically weak
Stranger: and do it for the people hahaha
Stranger: just make them smoke a ton of weed and then they'll start loving life
You: seems to be a good, yet completely different scenario
Stranger: do you smoke pot?
You: no
You: I would if I could though
You: I hear it's reasonably fun
Stranger: oh
Stranger: yeah it's fun
Stranger: opens your eyes to a lot of shit too
Stranger: i know that sounds stupid
Stranger: but it just makes you more... aware
Stranger: of things that you weren't before
Stranger: it's interesting.
You: aware of what?
Stranger: just things.
Stranger: like
Stranger: body language
Stranger: that people overlook
Stranger: little things
You: ah
Stranger: processing of things
Stranger: the "big picture"
Stranger: creative ideas.
Stranger: it also makes music like 50x better
You: I had heard that
You: That's the main reason I'd try it
Stranger: it doesnt "change your life" or anything
Stranger: it's just nice to chill out with at the end of a long fuckign day
Stranger: makes you feel better.
Stranger: if you smoke it all the time you just feel like shit anyways
You: I guess I kinda find that with beer
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: plus marijuana is healthier in comparasin to alcohol
Stranger: alcohol will do all kinds of crap to your body and mind permanently
Stranger: at most smoking weed, the smoke will hurt your throat but theres way to get around that
You: yeah
Stranger: and the only mental negatives are temporary
Stranger: and are always restored
Stranger: sooooooo
Stranger: it's a win win
Stranger: like once i started smoking weed i'm not even that interested in drinking anymore
Stranger: because it's so much better.
Stranger: no hangover, you feel way better
You: fair enough
Stranger: you don't make an ass of yourself and it's juts fun
Stranger: D.A.R.E. and the media and shit makes it out to be like heroin or something
Stranger: but it just
Stranger: makes you love things more.
Stranger: and appreciate more
Stranger: i dunno
Stranger: it's good shit
You: yeah
Stranger: i should really go to bed though, it's extremely late (or early, lol)
You: I was thinking that
You: midnight...
Stranger: ... 6:23am
Stranger: i have no obligations
Stranger: today
Stranger: so i figured what the hell
You: Fair enough
You: I need to finish two essays for tomorrow
You: but procrastination is way more fun
You: it's only uni
Stranger: isn't it always?
You: yeah
Stranger: first year?
You: second
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i graduated high school last summer, taking a year off right now before uni
Stranger: just working
You: I wish I had've done that
Stranger: trying to get a full-time job, i have a part-time one right now but it sucks and my boss sucks.
Stranger: so.
You: I just went straight on to uni
Stranger: lame
Stranger: yeah, i definitely knew this is what i wanted
You: Pros and cons
Stranger: people were so annoying about it though
Stranger: warning me that i'll "NEVER GO BACK" and shit
Stranger: i know i'll go back, i have 0 intention of working at wal-mart
You: yeah
Stranger: for all my life
Stranger: yeah.
Stranger: i dont work there now, but you know.
You: not exactly a good career
Stranger: no sir
Stranger: what are you taking?
You: taking as in course?
You: teaching
You: pre-school teaching
You: playing with play dough all day
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: aw that's fun
Stranger: my boyfriend is going into education too
Stranger: for high-school, though
You: ah
Stranger: and maybe a professor eventually
You: I could never be a professor
You: not enough authority around other adults
You: little kids listen though
You: plus it's easy to be a pre-school teacher here when you're a guy, everyone wants you to succeed
Stranger: the stuff kids go through in pre-school and early child-hood affects them for the rest of their life subconsciously
Stranger: what they learn back then is basically the basis of all of their morals
You: indeed
Stranger: i'm probably going into design studies
You: I can create my world of intellectuals by starting early
Stranger: film in particular
You: rad
Stranger: dunno where i'm gonna go with it though, just see where it takes me i guess.
Stranger: hahah yeah
Stranger: little soldiers
Stranger: brain soldiers.
You: you could make propaganda films to further brainwash them
Stranger: your mommy is wrong.
Stranger: this is the truth kids
Stranger: haha. i went to a scientologist preschool
Stranger: well
Stranger: it was a preschool
You: wow
You: I had no idea they had those
Stranger: the principal was a scientologist, and he constantly got in shit for forcing his views upon the kids
You: ah
Stranger: haha yeah
Stranger: w/e nothing really happened from it
You: So it didn't influence your views?
Stranger: naw
Stranger: i didn't even remember anything he said
You: you know what not to do to brainwash kids then, since that didn't work.
Stranger: thing*
Stranger: ahaha.
Stranger: i probably didn't care/wasn't listening/doing my own think
Stranger: thats right!
Stranger: scientologists for once did something constructive
Stranger: that's refreshing.
You: haha
You: I need to find out more about what they believe...
You: at the moment it's just 'Tom Cruise is one, they're nutters' for me
Stranger: all i know is what i learned off a southpark episode pretty much
Stranger: basically they believe this crazy story about aliens and volcanos and idk
Stranger: their gods name is Xenu
You: warrior princess?
Stranger: the guy who created the religion was also a sci-fi writer so... you can do the math
Stranger: haha maybe?
Stranger: basically it's just a bunch of made up bullshit... just like every other religion pretty much
You: so, yes, they're nutters
Stranger: completely
Stranger: oh and also i should mention it's a big scam
Stranger: and they ask for money all the time and you have to like
Stranger: pay your superiors in the religion money to find out more about it
Stranger: to get let in on the "secrets" of it
You: ah
You: and the secret is that now that you're high enough you can take money from people
You: franchising
You: Pyramid scheme religion
Stranger: yep
Stranger: i hope so
Stranger: well john travolta being an actor and charasmatic and all
Stranger: with his status
Stranger: he could easily persuade people to give him fuck tons of money
Stranger: eventually if he retires from acting he could potentially just like scam people for the rest of his life
You: At least it's not voodoo and there's no goat testicles involved
Stranger: haha very true
Stranger: goat testicles huh?
You: yeah, they have this ceremony where they cut open a live goat's scrotum and take them out, pass them round
You: then they snort magic mushrooms
You: as far as I'm concerned they did that in the wrong order
Stranger: omg wtf
You: yup
Stranger: ahahah i agree
Stranger: that's insane
Stranger: scientologists do this?
You: not that I know of
You: voodoo
You: k, Ima sleep now, I'm way tired
Stranger: ahh i see
You: thanks for the rad convo
Stranger: yeah same
Stranger: yeah thanks :)
Stranger: it was nice chatting, you seem really cool
You: you too
You: that convo went off tap straight off
You: k
You: bye
Stranger: night
Stranger: have a good sleep :)
You have disconnected.