Saturday, July 11, 2009
My Spectacular Vernacular: Astute

I made this picture, It wasn't supposed to look like anything in particular to begin with, but it ended up better than I expected looking like a fox running through a hilly countryside area. I pretty much just wanted to do something to say 'this is what I think being on drugs would look like'. Hallucinogens obviously. I don't often feel artistic in this manner, so I enjoy it when it turns out well. Ima try and get some photos I took on my phone onto this site, it might take a while though.
Friday, July 10, 2009
After the 6th stage of Le Tour I decided I’d go home before everyone went to bed/home, as I left I said ‘Cancellara’ and everyone thought I said ‘Catch you later’ I think. I hope they did anyway.
My sell-out move has been going great guns, I’ve earned $8! Maybe I won’t need to get a real job after all... or maybe I will. I tried to change the way the ad looked, but it didn’t seem to work. Meh, commercialism is enough work as it is without having to actually put effort into it.
I just had a thought of a robot monkey, that’d be way rad! It’d make me redundant though
Thursday, July 9, 2009
My Spectacular Vernacular: Zounds
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
My spectacular vernacular: destitute
There you have it, that's the first word that I've been enjoying lately, there should be more a'coming.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
There are more fools in the world than there are people.
This morning I slept in awesome, it was 11.30 when I woke up. I would’ve slept longer probably but the phone was ringing incessantly. It was mum, she wanted me to bring a dish to the school. I went straight away, and felt unsafe on the road. I hate driving when I’m tired. When I got to the school I realised it was recess time, and as I climbed out of my car the teenagers all started talking to me at once. Some of them recognised me from the time when I was present at the school, particularly from when I dressed up as a Neo-Nazi for my year 12 assembly, yelling ‘Achtung!’ at me, as my only lines in the act had been to yell that to make everyone listen to the more ‘important’ lines. One person started saying ‘Hey Jesus, Jesus, over here! Show me your hands! Fix my water for me, I’m having a party!’ There was a lot of expletives scattered throughout the list of things he said. I got the feeling that he had grown up in a Christian home, but thought other things were right. It still tickled me pink to be compared to Jesus, the kid may have thought I was insulted, but I was far from it.
Friday, July 3, 2009
The more things change, the more they remain... insane
Every time I’m away from home for any substantial period of time I always assume on my return that everything will have changed drastically, but everything remains, invariably the same. It’s when I’m at home and not expecting change that it always seems to happen. I only just noticed that they’ve put a new chicken shop into the local super market, I had thought there was still a bakery where the chicken place now is. I have no idea how long it’s been there, the main problem being how infrequently I go shopping, and how little attention I pay to the shops when I go shopping, as it’s usually nearly closing time when I turn up. I have also considered the possibility that I have noticed the change but forgotten it, multiple times, next time I go shopping I may forget that the chicken shop is there again. This train of thought leads me to a fight club-esque scenario playing out in my head whereby I go shopping a lot without realising, because it’s the other person in my head who is shopping. I wouldn’t like to be called Tyler though, so I’m feeling pretty safe in that respect.
I noticed today that there are a lot of weeds in my back yard which are quite firmly established, they have definitely been growing for at least a couple weeks, but I’m only just noticing. I’m not likely to do anything about them such as removing them or poisoning them, I kinda like the lush green they add to the garden. Maybe I’ll use them to feed animals next time my family is out of town instead of paying for pet food. I’m sure Kate’s guinea pig will be fine with that, and Toby’s budgie will take it as a supplement for its diet, not a replacement, but the cat... not likely. Last time my family went to Queensland the cat ran out of food and I gave it my leftovers, mostly chicken which I constantly over catered for myself. Since then the cat’s interest in food has risen above dry food and she waits til after dinner to be sure she can’t get anything better, she often does get something better. I just thought I was getting off topic, but that was about change, and this is about changing subjects so it’s fine.
I’m going to change from writing to sleeping. Yeah, that’ll work good.